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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Nurghalwing by Kenny Boucher

I am quoting this direct from the 40kWC forums...

Thinking of a more balanced approach that still incorporates 3 monstrous creatures

Total Roster Cost: 1849

HQ: Great Unclean One (1#, 240 pts)
1 Great Unclean One, 240 pts = (base cost 190 + DR: Lesser Rewards x1 10 + DR: Greater Rewards x2 40)

HQ: Herald of Nurgle (1#, 75 pts)
1 Herald of Nurgle, 75 pts = (base cost 45 + DR: Exalted Rewards 30)

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (10#, 90 pts)
10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, 90 pts = 10 * 9

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (10#, 90 pts)
10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, 90 pts = 10 * 9

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (10#, 90 pts)
10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, 90 pts = 10 * 9

Fast Attack: Plague Drones of Nurgle (6#, 297 pts)
6 Plague Drones of Nurgle, 297 pts = 6 * 47 (base cost 42 + DGN: Rot Proboscis 5) + DG: Icon of Chaos 15

Fast Attack: Plague Drones of Nurgle (6#, 297 pts)
6 Plague Drones of Nurgle, 297 pts = 6 * 47 (base cost 42 + DGN: Rot Proboscis 5) + DG: Icon of Chaos 15

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince (1#, 335 pts)
1 Daemon Prince, 335 pts = (base cost 145 + DG: Daemonic Flight 40 + DG: Warp-forged Armour 20 + DR: Greater Rewards x2 40 + Psyker (Mastery Level 3) 75) + DA: Daemon of Nurgle 15

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince (1#, 335 pts)
1 Daemon Prince, 335 pts = (base cost 145 + DG: Daemonic Flight 40 + DG: Warp-forged Armour 20 + DR: Greater Rewards x2 40 + Psyker (Mastery Level 3) 75) + DA: Daemon of Nurgle 15


The idea is to Deepstrike the GUO in off the icons on the drones in the back field with full gift compliment.

the drones will spread out and zoom up with and "jet pack move" up in cover and set up for a massive multi-charge (which is some thing that my FMC list lacks)
the 2 princes can take the flanks.....

not that the FMC list isnt amazing currently about 16-1 in tournament play.....just tossing this around.

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